Desai, Carberry, Anseth and Schultz’s manuscript “Cell-material interactions in covalent adaptable thioester hydrogels” is accepted in ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering

O’Shea, Croland, Salem, Urbanski and Schultz’s manuscript “A rheological study on the effect of tethering pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines into hydrogels on human mesenchymal stem cell migration, degradation and morphology” is accepted in Biomacromolecules

Schultz receives the Larry and Virginia Faith Associate Professorship in the Davidson School of Chemical Engineering at Purdue University

Desai successfully defends her thesis “Rheological characterization of covalent adaptable thioester networks for applications in tissue engineering”


Desai is selected to speak in the Future of Rheology Seminar Series sponsored by the Society of Rheology

Desai, Carberry, Anseth and Schultz’s manuscript “Characterizing rheological properties and microstructure of thioester networks during degradation” is accepted in Soft Matter

Crowell, FitzSimons, Anslyn, Schultz and Rosales’s manuscript “Shear Thickening Behavior in Injectable Tetra-PEG Hydrogels Cross-Linked via Dynamic Thia-Michael Addition Bonds” is accepted in Macromolecules

He, Afshang, Caggioni, Lindberg and Schultz’s manuscript “Characterizing Phase Transitions of Microfibrillated Cellulose Induced by Anionic and Cationc Surfactants” is accepted in Langmuir

He successfully defends her thesis “Rheological characterization of colloidal gels during phase transitions using multiple particle tracking microrheology”

He is selected to speak in the Future of Rheology Seminar Series sponsored by the Society of Rheology


Desai is chosen to receive the John Chen Fellowship given by the Lehigh University Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

McGlynn and Schultz’s manuscript “Measuring human mesenchymal stem cell remodeling in hydrogels with a step-change in elastic modulus” is accepted in Soft Matter

Desai passes her PhD proposal

Desai is chosen to be part of the P. C. Rossin Professional Development Program (formally the P. C. Rossin Doctoral Fellows)

McGlynn and Schultz’s manuscript “McGlynn and Schultz’s manuscript “Characterizing non-uniform hydrogel elastic moduli using autofluorescence” is accepted in Macromolecules” is featured as a supplemental cover in Macromolecules [link]

McGlynn and Schultz’s manuscript “Characterizing non-uniform hydrogel elastic moduli using autofluorescence” is accepted in Macromolecules

McGlynn successfully defends his thesis “Microrheological characterization of cell-mediated remodeling of polymer-peptide hydrogels”

He, Caggioni, Lindberg and Schultz’s manuscript “Gelation phase diagrams of colloidal rod systems measured over a large composition space” is accepted in RSC Advances as part of the RSC Advances Emerging Investigator Series


Daviran, McGlynn, Catalano, Knudsen, Druggan, Croland, Stratton and Schultz’s manuscript “Measuring the Effects of Cytokines on the Modification of Pericellular Rheology by Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells” is accepted in ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering

McGlynn receives the 3rd Place Award at the 92nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Rheology in Bangor, ME

He, Pascucci, Caggioni, Lindberg and Schultz’s manuscript “Rheological properties of phase transitions in polydisperse and monodisperse colloidal rod systems” is chosen as the Editor’s Choice and will be featured on the front cover of AIChE Journal [link]

O’Shea passes his qualifying exam

Wu and Schultz’s manuscript “Correlation of bulk degradation and molecular release from enzymatically degradable polymeric hydrogels” is featured as a supplemental cover in Biomacromolecules [link]

Schultz is invited to give the Pirkey Lectureship at the McKetta Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin

McGlynn is chosen to receive the John Chen Fellowship given by the Lehigh University Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Yang, Daviran, Schultz and Walker’s manuscript “Droplet-based microfluidic tool to quantify viscosity of concentrating protein solutions” is accepted in Pharmaceutical Research

Wu and Schultz’s manuscript “Correlation of bulk degradation and molecular release from enzymatically degradable polymeric hydrogels” is accepted in Biomacromolecules

He, Pascucci, Caggioni, Lindberg and Schultz’s manuscript “Rheological properties of phase transitions in polydisperse and monodisperse colloidal rod systems” is accepted in AIChE Journal

He is chosen to be part of the P. C. Rossin Professional Development Program (formally the P. C. Rossin Doctoral Fellows)

Wu successfully defended her thesis “Rheological characterization of hydrogel degradation for the design of drug delivery vehicles”

Schultz is named an Outstanding Reviewer for Soft Matter in 2020 [link]

Wu and Schultz’s manuscript “Microrheological characterization of covalent adaptable hydrogel degradation in response to temporal pH changes that mimic the gastrointestinal tract” published in Soft Matter is featured in Soft Matter’s Most Popular 2020 collection [link]


McGlynn, Druggan, Croland and Schultz’s manuscript “Human mesenchymal stem cell-engineered length scale dependent rheology of the pericellular region measured with bi-disperse multiple particle tracking microrheology” is accepted in Acta Biomaterialia

Schultz is elected Vice Chair for AIChE Area 01J: Fluid Mechanics

Wu wins the Kenneth A. Earhart award given by the Lehigh University Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Wu and Schultz’s manuscript “Microrheological characterization of covalent adaptable hydrogel degradation in response to temporal pH changes that mimic the gastrointestinal tract” published in Soft Matter is featured by the National Academy of Engineering Frontiers of Engineering website

Desai receives the Wenzel Award for best qualifier presentation

McGlynn, Wu and Schultz’s tutorial “Multiple particle tracking microrheological characterization: Fundamentals, emerging techniques and applications” published in Journal of Applied Physics is one of the most read tutorials in 2020

Daviran accepts a position at Merck

Wu and Schultz’s recent Soft Matter manuscript is highlighted in Materials Today [link]

Wu and Schultz’s manuscript “Microrheological characterization of covalent adaptable hydrogel degradation in response to temporal pH changes that mimic the gastrointestinal tract ” is featured as the inside front cover of Soft Matter [link]

Daviran, Catalano and Schultz’s manuscript “Determining how human mesenchymal stem cells change their degradation strategy in response to microenvironmental stiffness” is accepted in Biomacromolecules

McGlynn is chosen to be part of the P. C. Rossin Professional Development Program (formally the P. C. Rossin Doctoral Fellows)

Wu and Schultz’s manuscript “Microrheological characterization of covalent adaptable hydrogel degradation in response to temporal pH changes that mimic the gastrointestinal tract ” is accepted in Soft Matter

Schultz receives the Excellence in Research Scholarship & Leadership Award from the P.C. Rossin College of Engineering & Applied Science at Lehigh University [link]

McGlynn, Wu and Schultz’s manuscript “Multiple particle tracking microrheological characterization: Fundamentals, emerging techniques and applications ” is chosen as an Editor’s Pick in Journal of Applied Physics

McGlynn, Wu and Schultz’s manuscript “Multiple particle tracking microrheological characterization: Fundamentals, emerging techniques and applications ” is accepted in Journal of Applied Physics

Daviran successfully defends her PhD thesis “Rheological characterization of cell-mediated degradation of a pericellular region within a well-defined PEG-peptide hydrogel”

Schultz is elected as co-vice chair at the 2020 Gordon Research Conference on Colloidal, Macromolecular and Polyelectrolyte Solutions held in Ventura, CA February 2-7, 2020


Daviran is invited to give a research talk at the 2020 Gordon Research Seminar on Colloidal, Macromolecular and Polyelectrolyte Solutions held in Ventura, CA February 1-2, 2020

Schultz is invited to give a research talk at the 2020 Gordon Research Conference on Colloidal, Macromolecular and Polyelectrolyte Solutions held in Ventura, CA February 2-7, 2020

McGlynn wins the Kenneth A. Earhart award given by the Lehigh University Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Wu receives a Best Poster Award at the 5th Annual Graduate Research Symposium, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Lehigh University

Schultz joins the AIChE Journal Consulting Editor’s Board

Wu and Schultz’s manuscript “Microrheological characterization of covalent adaptable hydrogels for applications in oral delivery” is accepted in Soft Matter

Schultz is promoted to the rank of Associate Professor with tenure [link]

Wu becomes a P.C. Rossin Doctoral Fellow

Zhang, Wehrman and Schultz’s manuscript “Structural Changes in Polymeric Gel Scaffolds Around the Overlap Concentration” is accepted in the Rising Stars Collection in Frontiers in Chemistry

Schultz wins Lehigh University Libsch Early Career Research Award [link]

Daviran and Schultz’s manuscript “Characterizing the dynamic rheology in the pericellular region by human mesenchymal stem cell re-engineering in PEG-peptide hydrogel scaffolds” is accepted in the Novel Trends in Rheology in Rheologica Acta

Schultz features in SWE All Together [link]


Mazzeo, Chai, Daviran and Schultz’s manuscript “Characterization of the Kinetics and Mechanism of Degradation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Laden Poly(ethylene glycol) Hydrogels” accepted in ACS Applied Bio Materials

Catalano selected as a Claire Booth Luce Research Scholar

Schultz invited to give a talk in the Inaugural session of the AIChE Journal Futures Series

McGlynn receives the Wenzel Award for best qualifier presentation

Mazzeo receives her MS in Bioengineering with her thesis “Characterization of the kinetics and mechanism of human mesenchymal stem cell-laden poly(ethylene glycol) hydrogels”

Wehrman, Lindberg and Schultz’s manuscript ” Multiple particle tracking microrheology measured using bi-disperse probe diameters” accepted in Soft Matter

Wehrman successfully defends his PhD thesis “Rheological properties of colloidal and polymeric scaffolds measured using multiple particle tracking microrheology”

Lui receives her MS in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering with her thesis “Electrospinning of polymeric hydrogels for synthesizing fibers”

McGlynn receives a Best Poster Award at the 4th Annual Graduate Research Symposium, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Lehigh University

Wu receives a Best Poster Award at the 4th Annual Graduate Research Symposium, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Lehigh University

Schultz and Snyder’s manuscript “Chemical engineering ‘on-a-chip’: Capturing the integrated scope of chemical engineering through STEM outreach” accepted in Chemical Engineering Education

Schultz group work featured on the cover of the Rheology Bulletin [link]

Daviran receives the 2018 Chevron Scholars Award given by the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Lehigh University

Daviran, Longwill, Casella and Schultz’s manuscript “Rheological characterization of dynamic remodeling of the pericellular region by human mesenchymal stem cell-secreted enzymes in well-defined synthetic hydrogel scaffolds” accepted in Soft Matter

Wehrman, Milstrey, Lindberg and Schultz’s manuscript “Combining microfluidics and microrheology to determine rheological properties of soft matter during repeated phase transitions” accepted in The Journal of Visual Experiments

Schultz wins a National Science Foundation CAREER Award

Wu receives the Best Poster Award at The 14th Annual Tiger-Hen-Hawk-Black Knight Rheology Symposium at the United States Military Academy


Daviran, Caram and Schultz’s manuscript “Role of cell-mediated enzymatic degradation and cytoskeletal tension on remodeling of material microenvironments prior to motility” accepted in ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering

Wehrman, Lindberg and Schultz’s manuscript “Impact of shear on the structure and rheological properties of a hydrogenated castor oil colloidal gel during dynamic phase transitions” accepted in the Journal of Rheology

Mazzeo receives the 2nd Place Award at the 89th Annual Meeting of the Society of Rheology in Denver, CO

Schultz wins a Best Poster Award at the ASEE Chemical Engineering Summer School

Escobar, McKinnon, Anseth and Schultz’s manuscript “Dynamic Changes in Material Properties and Degradation of Poly(ethylene glycol)–Hydrazone Gels as a Function of pH” accepted in Macromolecules

Wehrman receives a Langmuir Award (Best Poster Award) at the 91st Colloids and Surface Science Symposium at the City College of New York

Wehrman, Milstrey, Lindberg and Schultz’s paper in Lab on a chip manuscript named top 10% article (HOT article) chosen due to exceptional reviews by handling editor

Wehrman, Milstrey, Lindberg and Schultz’s manuscript “Using μ2rheology to quantify rheological properties during repeated reversible phase transitions of soft matter” accepted in Lab on a Chip

Daviran is named a 2017 P.C. Rossin Doctoral Fellow

Zhang (undergraduate student) receives a Lehigh University Research Forum Grant


Schultz invited to attend the National Academy of Engineering Frontiers of Engineering Symposium

Schultz named a P.C. Rossin Assistant Professor

Wehrman named a 2016 P.C. Rossin Doctoral Fellow

Wehrman receives the 2016 Chevron Scholars Award given by the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Lehigh University

Longwill (undergraduate student) receives a Lehigh University Research Forum Grant

Wehrman, Lindberg and Schultz’s manuscript “Quantifying the dynamic transition of hydrogenated castor oil gels measured via multiple particle tracking microrheology” accepted in Soft Matter

Escobar receives his Masters in Engineering


Schumm (undergraduate student) receives the Best poster award at the 13th Annual Tiger-Hen-Hawk Rheology Conference at Lehigh University

Schultz, Kyburz and Anseth’s manuscript “Measuring dynamic cell–material interactions and remodeling during 3D human mesenchymal stem cell migration in hydrogels” accepted in PNAS


Schultz named a TA Instruments Distinguished Young Rheologist